Ethiopian Languages – Ethio Language Box

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“Official Languages of Ethiopia”

45) Conditional sentences

Learn all 5 Official Langauges of Ethiopia at once
English Amharic Afaan Oromoo Somali Tigrigna Afar
If you (m) come, I will teach you (m).Yoo dhufte si barsiisa.
If you (f) ask, I will help you (f).Yoo na gaafatte si gargaara.
If you (m) like, you (m) can come my home.Yoo barbaadde mana kiyya dhufuu dandeetta.
If you (f) invite me, I will come to your (f) home.Yoo na affeerte mana kee hindhufa.
If you (m) want, you (m) can call me.Yoo barbaadde naa bilbili.
If you (m) feel hungry, you (m) can eat food.Yoo beeloofte nyaata nyaachuu hindandeetta.
If you (f) make tea, I will drink.Shaayii yoo danfifte hindhuga.
If you (m) visit my home, I will be happy.Osoo mana kiyya naa laaltee natti tola.
If I see him, I will tell him.Yoo arge itti hima.
If it rains, I will not come.Yoo roobe hindhufu.
If it stops raining, she will come.Yoo roobni caame hindhufti.
If you (m) practice, you (m) can speak.Yoo shaakalte dubbachuu hindandeetta/ssa.
If you (m) study well, you (m) can pass the exam.Akka gaaritti yoo qayyabatte qormaata hindarbita.
If you (m) work hard, you (m) can get success.Jabaattee yoo hojjatte bu'a qabeessa hintaata.
If you (m) try sincerely, you can (m) get the job.Yoo garaan yaalte, hojii hinargatta.
If I get a job in USA, I will go there.Ameerikatti hojii yoo argadhe hindeema.