I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Halaba – Speak with the Hearts”

252) Talking about Family

How many are you? (English)
Xaxnu mexuhaani? (Halaba)
We are five. (English)
Naxu xontuhaani. (Halaba)
What is your father’s name? (English)
Xannikki suxmu xayeeti? (Halaba)
My father’s name is Mr.Peter (English)
Xannixe suxmu P'eet'irooseeti. (Halaba)
What is your father’s job? (English)
Xannikki hoguti mahaani? (Halaba)
My father is a farmer. (English)
Xannuxe xabuurraanchuhaani. (Halaba)
Do you have brothers and sisters? (English)
Kesaa xama xoosuti yoohe? (Halaba)
Yes, I have. (English)
Xee yooxe. (Halaba)
How many brothers do you have? (English)
Mexu labbee xama xoosuti yoohe? (Halaba)
I have four brothers. (English)
Xesaa shoolu labbee xama xoosuti yooxe. (Halaba)
Are they elder to you or younger to you? (English)
Bayirratakkindoo maaxnaannotakki? (Halaba)
They are younger to me. (English)
Maaxnaannotaxe. (Halaba)
How old is your brother? (English)
Xamakki beetu xumurusi mexuhaani? (Halaba)
He is 30 years old. (English)
Sajjuha zamaanisi. (Halaba)
Is he married? (English)
Mini xikkoondo? (Halaba)
Yes, he is married. (English)
Xee mini xikkooxu. (Halaba)
Does he have children? (English)
Xoosuti yoosi? (Halaba)
Yes, He has children. (English)
Xee; xoosuti yoosi. (Halaba)
How many children does he have? (English)
Mexu xoosuti yoosi? (Halaba)
He has three children. (English)
Sasu xoosuti yoosi. (Halaba)
What is your nephew’s name? (English)
Xamakki beeti c`uuli suxmu xayeeti? (Halaba)
My nephew’s name is Abeba. (English)
Xamaxe beeti c`uuli suxmu Xabbabaati. (Halaba)
Does he go to school? (English)
Roshsha mini maranondo? (Halaba)
Yes, he goes to school? (English)
Xee; roshsha mini marano. (Halaba)
Which grade is he studying? (English)
Mexik'k'i beeko rosanooti? (Halaba)
He is studying fourth grade. (English)
Shoolik'k'i beeko rosanooti. (Halaba)