I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Halaba – Speak with the Hearts”

228) S + V + IO - Past Tense - He taught you (m/f/pl)/her/him/them/me/us

He taught you (m). (English)
Xisi rosishshohe. (Halaba)
He taught you (f). (English)
Xisi rosishshohe. (Halaba)
He taught you (pl). (English)
Xisi rosishshohixne. (Halaba)
He taught her. (English)
Xisi rosishshose. (Halaba)
He taught him. (English)
Xisi rosishshosi. (Halaba)
He taught them. (English)
Xisi rosishshossa. (Halaba)
He taught me. (English)
Xisi rosishshoxe. (Halaba)
He taught us. (English)
Xisi rosishshonne. (Halaba)