I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Halaba – Speak with the Hearts”

45) Conditional sentences

If you (m) come, I will teach you (m). (English)
Xameettoontigoore rosisaanke. (Halaba)
If you (f) ask, I will help you (f). (English)
T'axmitoontexegoore haxlaanke. (Halaba)
If you (m) like, you (m) can come my home. (English)
Hassoontexegoore mini xameetu xataaltaanti. (Halaba)
If you (f) invite me, I will come to your (f) home. (English)
Gaxitoontexegoore minikki xameetaami. (Halaba)
If you (m) want, you (m) can call me. (English)
Hassoontexegoore tilillaxexe. (Halaba)
If you (m) feel hungry, you (m) can eat food. (English)
Gorru xaffoohegoore xitu xataaltaanti. (Halaba)
If you (f) make tea, I will drink. (English)
Shaayita faarsitoontigoore k'amaxaammi. (Halaba)
If you (m) visit my home, I will be happy. (English)
Minixe xameetti laxoontexegoore tashshi yanexe. (Halaba)
If I see him, I will tell him. (English)
Laxyoonsigoore kulaansi. (Halaba)
If it rains, I will not come. (English)
T'eena xubbogoore xameetaambaxa. (Halaba)
If it stops raining, she will come. (English)
T'eenu birreechchi xise xameettaaxa. (Halaba)
If you (m) practice, you (m) can speak. (English)
Rossoontiichchi t'awaxu xataaltaanti. (Halaba)
If you (m) study well, you (m) can pass the exam. (English)
T'umagga moot't'altoontigoore fatanata higgaanti. (Halaba)
If you (m) work hard, you (m) can get success. (English)
T'aranynyiti xattoontigoore laalchaamu xikkaanti. (Halaba)
If you (m) try sincerely, you can (m) get the job. (English)
K'albiini xap'p'antoontigoore hoguta dak'k'itaanti. (Halaba)
If I get a job in USA, I will go there. (English)
Xameeriki baado hoguta dak'k'eemgoore maraxaammi. (Halaba)