I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Yem – Speak with the Hearts”

25) Preposition - Example

The student is in the class. (English)
Arinynya ka'uussitu fewa. (Yem)
He went out. (English)
Bar kesiwa. / Baas kestewa. (Yem)
He is inside the office. (English)
Bar biiroositu fewa. / Baas biiroostu feetewa. (Yem)
He is outside the office. (English)
Bar biiroositewa. / Baas biiroositewa. (Yem)
Above 30 degree centigrades. (English)
30 digiri sentigiredineen denalowa. (Yem)
Below 30 degree centigrades. (English)
30 digiri sentigiredineen daakalowa. (Yem)
The book is under the table. (English)
Matsaafaas taraphpheezaasi daakalowa. (Yem)
The book is on the table. (English)
Matsaafaas taraphpheezaastawa. (Yem)
Behind the church. (English)
Bataskaanaasi orfo. (Yem)
In front of the church. (English)
Bataskaanaasi sinta. (Yem)
Opposite to bank. (English)
Baankini keeyaasi sheeliktota. (Yem)
He is next to me. (English)
Bar taa teshawa. (Yem)
A map of Ethiopia. (English)
Itiyophiyani kaarta. (Yem)
He came from India. (English)
Bar Hindintu yewa. (Yem)
He went to office. (English)
Bar biiro hamiwa. (Yem)
He is around bus station. (English)
Bar mannarani biratoossiwa. (Yem)
I am with my friend. (English)
Ta zomotaasneentu faan. / Ta zomonaasneentu faan. (Yem)