I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Yem – Speak with the Hearts”

332) Past Tense - Affirmative Form - Rule

In English Language, “Past form” of a verb is used irrespective of person, number, and gender. (English)
In Yem Language, the verb form varies with respective person, number, and gender. The verb form ends in the following manner along with the subject. (Yem)
I taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "I" verb form ends with "-n". (I taught.-Ta assin./I watched.-Ta biin.) (Yem)
We taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "We" verb form ends with"-ni". (We taught.-Inno assini./ We watched.- Inno biini.) (Yem)
You(m) taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "You(m)" verb form ends with"-t". (You(m) taught. - Ne assit(wa)./You(m) watched.- Ne biit(wa)). (Yem)
You(f) taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "You(f)" verb form ends with "t". You(f) taught-. Ne assit(we)./ You(f) watched.-Ne biit(we).) (Yem)
She taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "She" verb form ends with"i". (She taught.-Bar assi./ She watched.-Bar bi.) (Yem)
You(pl) taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "You (pl)" verb form ends with "ti/ni". (You (pl) taught.-Nitto assiseti./You (pl) watched. -Nitto biyeseti.) Note: Respective Form (You (pl) taught.-Niino assiseni./You (pl) watched. - Niino kemeseni.) (Yem)
He taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "He" verb form ends with 'i". (He taught.-Bar assi./He watched.- Bar bi.) (Yem)
They taught/watched (English)
If the subject is "They" verb form ends with "se/te". Note: They ( Masculine Gender) (They taught. -Basakito assise./They watched.- Basakito biyese. ) They ( Feminine Gender) (They taught. -Barikito assise./They watched.- Barikito biyese.) Note: Respective Form. (They taught. - Baasso assisete./They watched.- Baasso kemesete. ) (Yem)