I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Yem – Speak with the Hearts”

270) Phrases about Feelings

Joy, happiness (English)
Gira,giro (Yem)
It's great! That's great! (English)
Akamano ma'ar!/Keeshu! (Yem)
It's wonderful! That's wonderful! (English)
Han bar diinqiwa/we! (Yem)
Great! Beautiful! Wonderful! Excellent! Terrific! (English)
Gada!Keeshu!Diinqi!Akamano ma'ar!Akamano girsu! (Yem)
What a wonderful day! (English)
Aro diinqi wonanso/se! (Yem)
I'm so happy! (English)
Akamanotu giren! (Yem)
I love it! (English)
Shunin!/Keeshten! (Yem)
Oh, what a wonderful gift! (English)
Wuy,diinqi ima! (Yem)
That's exactly what I wanted! (English)
Esiisontu ta sholefan! (Yem)
Just the thing! (English)
Esiisiimato!/Ekka! (Yem)
Disgust! (English)
Oomsi! (Yem)
It's terrible! It's awful! (English)
Akamano naysu!Akamano kiicha! (Yem)
Terrible! Awful! Horrible! (English)
Akamanon naysu!/Akamanon kiicha!/oomsu! (Yem)
How disgusting! (English)
Aakkati oomsu wuzamba! (Yem)
I hate it! (English)
Ta baron oomtenar! (Yem)
I can't stand it! (English)
Ta chimanatta!Ta fakina aafa! (Yem)
It was the worst trip (food, day, etc.) in my whole life! (English)
Han bar ta faana foossi akamanon faya /mangu foowa(muu,wona). (Yem)
Indifference (English)
Beleshku. (Yem)
It doesn't make any difference to me. (English)
Han bar taak oor oorba aafa. (Yem)
It doesn't matter. (English)
Es bar aafa rakkisuna wuza. (Yem)
It's all the same to me. (English)
Taak zuuuttambaase isa bar. (Yem)
I don't care. (English)
Taan tiir'fa wuza aafa./Taan bariissi gedfa wuza aafa. (Yem)
Suit yourself. (English)
Sholeta mato. (Yem)
Approval, praise, admiration (English)
Dajo,kaphsu (Yem)
You did a great job! (English)
Ma'a wostotu wostet! (Yem)
It's great! It's wonderful! (English)
Akamano gada!Akama diinqi! (Yem)
That's great! I'm so proud of you. (English)
Akamano ge'a!Akamanontu taan gissit. (Yem)
Well done! (English)
Ma'arontu wosuste. (Yem)
You did it! (English)
Ma'isit!/Wostet! (Yem)
That's my boy! That's my girl! (English)
Haniis taa naawa/ Taa nawawe! (Yem)
Complaining, disapproval (English)
Koomi,wal-galo beya (Yem)
I wish you wouldn't take my books without permission. (English)
Ta diigi foontonon matsaafanaasikitono hopha shakatane maar'wa/we. (Yem)
I thought I told you not to smoke in this room. (English)
Ta han keyaassi chuusunonta mato maken iyattu faan. (Yem)
I thought I asked you to be here by nine o'clock. (English)
Ta izgin sa'atiista hanta footak makenwa/we iyattu faan. (Yem)
How many times do I have to tell you to turn off the light when you leave? (English)
apun kabanso/se kesfata kabaasik tonaason tishkutak makenari? (Yem)
Oh, how could you? (English)
Wuy,aakka ekka zagutaso/se? (Yem)
You should be ashamed of yourself. (English)
Ne teetneesik iichchotak malefa/sholsifa. (Yem)
Shame on you! (English)
Taan iishshitwa/we! (Yem)
When someone is annoying you (English)
Asu neen haarsifena kabaasik (Yem)
Leave me alone! (English)
Tatata sinanaktu sholefan!/Taan beywa. (Yem)
Mind your own business, will you? (English)
Nee chowaason ne teetnek ko'isuwa/we? (Yem)
Stop bothering me! (English)
Taan rakkisutatawa/we. (Yem)
Get lost! (slang) (English)
Keswa/we! (Yem)
Anger (English)
Gi'a/haari. (Yem)
Why on earth should I do it? (English)
Awuni boor'a iyat wostona? (Yem)
Who (the hell) do you think you are? (English)
Nee oo sinta boor'an? (Yem)
How dare you! (English)
Aakka kashshifaatinba? (Yem)
For heaven's sake! (English)
Ha'oosi boor'awa/we! (Yem)
Good gracious! My goodness! (English)
Hinda Ha'onaase! (Yem)
Oh God! Oh my! (English)
Ha'onaase! (Yem)
Asking not to get angry (English)
Haaronoyna mato mako/mamsu. (Yem)
Don't get upset. (English)
Haarotatawa/we. (Yem)
Calm down. (English)
Nibuwa/we/nibaarowa/we. (Yem)
Take it easy. (English)
Hatessira beywa/we. (Yem)
Don't get mad! (English)
Haarotatawa/we. (Yem)
Asking not to worry (English)
Safaronoyni mato mamsu. (Yem)
Don't worry about it. (English)
Es barik safarotaatawa/we. (Yem)
Don't worry. Everything will be all right. (English)
Safarotaatawa/we.Zuuttambaase ma'artu sinana. (Yem)
Relax. (English)
Kottera duwa/we. (Yem)
Disappointment, complaining about life (English)
Giro beya,kaani chowni koomi (Yem)
I feel so disappointed. (English)
Taa akamanontu koomaten. (Yem)
Just my luck. (English)
Ixanaaswa. (Yem)
What a day! What a life! (English)
Awu yiste/iste wonanso! Akkati footaaso! (Yem)
Life is hard. Life is unfair. (English)
Foo chimawa.Faafeni foos isarba aafawa/we. (Yem)
That's life. What can you do? (English)
Foo/kaa ekkawa/we/.Aw zaguk chimatarinso/se? (Yem)
Oh well. That's the way it goes. (English)
Ese ekkatu sinanawa/we. (Yem)
Sympathizing (English)
Hayibsu/chinu. (Yem)
I'm sorry to hear that your father passed away. (English)
Abanees aatbesiisik aazzanengwa/we. (Yem)
I know how you feel. (English)
Neek aakka sinanak chimanato arifan. (Yem)
Let God help you. (English)
Ha'o neen argasawungwa/we. (Yem)
Oh dear! (English)
Oyi! Hanirkaso/se! (Yem)
May his soul rest in peace. (English)
Ha'o kaabaason maarefawung/Ha'o keepubesison maarefawung. (Yem)
Encouraging (English)
Chinu (Yem)
Cheer up! (English)
Nibbaassi chimi!/Zagi! (Yem)
Everything will be all right! (English)
Aguniza zuuttambaase ma'atu ma'ana! (Yem)
It's not the end of the world! (English)
Hamba wonni ko'atawa/we! (Yem)
Don't give up. (English)
Kushu imataata!/Abdi bugutaata. (Yem)
Don't worry. You'll be all right. (English)
Safarotaata.Ma'ata./Farutu faruta. (Yem)
Surprise (English)
Diinqi wuza (Yem)
Oh really? (English)
Futono? (Yem)
Is that so? (English)
Ekkanoso/se? (Yem)
That's amazing! (English)
Hamba diinqiwa/we! (Yem)
That's incredible! (English)
Sinno wuza! (Yem)
I'm really surprised. (English)
Ta akamanontu diinqengwa/we. (Yem)
No kidding? Are you serious? (English)
Koosaba aafawa/we. (Yem)
You must be joking! You're kidding! (English)
Hambar koosanetu sinanawa/we! Koosayetaringwa! (Yem)
I can't believe it. (English)
Ta aafa amantonaza./Ta amantenatta. (Yem)
It can't be true! (English)
Hambar aafa futo sinanaza! (Yem)
Doubt, uncertainty (English)
Laphphe baato,amanteni turku,amanto beya (Yem)
I'm not (quite) sure about it. (English)
Aane gasasut./Aane gazgut. (Yem)
Maybe, but I am not sure. (English)
Awuzakne,sinfanaknu aane gasasut. (Yem)
I'm not sure. (English)
Aane gasasut. (Yem)
Well, I don't know yet. (English)
Ma'ar,hawuneennu ta aane arut. (Yem)
I have mixed feelings about it. (English)
Hamba taak kuma'ito chowa sinnatu bestefawa/we./Hamba taak malba diiba foontozatu sinna bestedifawa/we. (Yem)
I doubt it. (English)
Laphphe baatenar,aane amantot. (Yem)
Physical pain (English)
Atuni chiingqi (Yem)
It hurts! (English)
merer!Miir'er (Yem)
Oh! I've burned my finger! (English)
Wuy! Kushuna kiichchewa/we. (Yem)
My left foot hurts. (English)
Halda ochonaason meredifar. (Yem)
I have a terrible headache. (English)
Teetnaaso akamanon meredifar./Akama teetni merona faar. (Yem)
I have a pain in my chest. (English)
(Ta) nibnaason meredifar./Nibna meredifar. (Yem)