I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Wolaita – Speak with the Hearts”

21) Reflexive Pronouns

I myself. (English)
Ta Tahuuphe. (Wolaita)
We ourselves. (English)
Nu Nuhuuphe. (Wolaita)
You (m) yourself (m). (English)
Ne Nehuuphe. (Wolaita)
You (f) yourself (f). (English)
Ne Nehuuphe. (Wolaita)
She herself. (English)
A Bahuuphe. (Wolaita)
You (pl) yourself (pl). (English)
Intte Inttehuuphe. (Wolaita)
He himself. (English)
I Bahuuphe. (Wolaita)
They themselves. (English)
Eti Banttahuuphe. (Wolaita)