I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Wolaita – Speak with the Hearts”

265) Talking about Directions - Situation 2

Could you tell me where the Science Museum is, please? (English)
Hayyanaa, saynise muuzeemee awugaara de'iyakko odarkkii? (Wolaita)
It is on the corner of Bank and Market road. (English)
Bankke keettaynne giyaa ogee danttettiyo sohuwana. (Wolaita)
How do I get there from here, please? (English)
Yaa waana gakkoo? (Wolaita)
Go down this street and turn right at the traffic light. (English)
Ha ogiyara ba, tiraafike xomppiya gakkada ushachchi simma. (Wolaita)
Walk two blocks and turn right onto Churchill Street. (English)
Naa'u yippaa kantta, yaatada cherchchile ogiyappe ushachcha baggi simma. (Wolaita)
Go past the department store and the flower market, and you'll see the Science Museum. (English)
Ini neeni biido kaaletaa buqura keettaanne ciishshaa giyaa ogiya oyqqada ba, hegaappe simmin saynise Muuzeemee de'ees. (Wolaita)
It is a large red-brick building. You cannot miss it. (English)
Xubiyappe oosettida wogga zo'o keettaa. Hegee nena dogissenna. (Wolaita)
Is it far from here? (English)
Hagaappe baanawu keehi haakkii? (Wolaita)
No, it's just a ten-minute walk. (English)
Chii, tammu daqiiqa oge. (Wolaita)
Thank you very much. (English)
Keehi galatays. (Wolaita)
You're welcome. (English)
Aynne baa. (Wolaita)