I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Wolaita – Speak with the Hearts”

22) Reflexive Pronouns - Example

I myself make tea. (English)
Ta Tahuuphe tukkiya penttissana. (Wolaita)
We ourselves make tea. (English)
Nu Nuhuuphe tukkiya penttissana. (Wolaita)
You (m) yourself (m) make tea. (English)
Ne Nehuuphe tukkiya penttissaasa. (Wolaita)
You (f) yourself (f) make tea. (English)
Ne Nehuuphe tukkiya penttissaasa. (Wolaita)
She herself makes tea. (English)
A Bahuuphe tukkiya penttissawusu. (Wolaita)
You (pl) yourself (pl) make tea. (English)
Intte Inttehuuphe tukkiya penttisseeta. (Wolaita)
He himself makes tea. (English)
I Bhuuphe tukkiya penttisseesi. (Wolaita)
They themselves make tea (English)
Eti Banttahuuphe tukkiya penttissoosona. (Wolaita)