I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Wolaita – Speak with the Hearts”

258) Talking about Shopping - Buying Electrical Goods

Shopkeeper: Good morning, can I help you? (English)
Saro aqadii', ay koyadii? (Wolaita)
Customer: I hope so. I'm looking for a television. (English)
Televizhzhiiniya shammanawu koyaas. (Wolaita)
Shopkeeper: The Toshiba TV5 is on special offer this week. (English)
Toshiba TV5. Hagee ha saaminttan giyaa geliis. Ooratta Televizhzhiine. (Wolaita)
Customer: How much is it? (English)
Gatee aappunee? (Wolaita)
Shopkeeper: Only $299.95. (English)
299.95 Doolaare xalaala. (Wolaita)
Customer: It's a little expensive. Do you have a cheaper one? (English)
Guutta al'iis. Hegaappe simmiyagee baawee? (Wolaita)
Shopkeeper: Yes. This one's only $150. (English)
De'ees. Hagee 150 Doolaare. (Wolaita)
Customer: What make is it? (English)
Hagee aybissi hegaa keenaa ekkii? (Wolaita)
Shopkeeper: It's a Panasonic. (English)
Panaasoonikettenne. (Wolaita)
Customer: I like it, but it's still a little too expensive. Is there any chance of a discount? (English)
Lo''o, shin ha'ikka al'iis. Guuttaa wodhdhikkii? (Wolaita)
Shopkeeper: Hmmmmm, OK, we can do it for $140. (English)
Ero, 140 Doolaariyan ekka. (Wolaita)
Customer: Great, I'll take it. Do you accept credit cards? (English)
Ero ekkana. Tal'e karddiya ekkeetii? (Wolaita)
Shopkeeper: Yes we do. (English)
Ee. (Wolaita)