I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Wolaita – Speak with the Hearts”

23) Reflexive Pronouns - Exercise

I myself cook. (English)
Ta Tahuuphe kattaysi. (Wolaita)
We ourselves cook. (English)
Nu Nuhuuphe kattoosi. (Wolaita)
You (m) yourself cook. (English)
Ne Nehuuphe kattaasa. (Wolaita)
You (f) yourself cook. (English)
Ne Nehuuphe kattaasa. (Wolaita)
She herself cooks. (English)
A Bahuuphe kattawusu. (Wolaita)
You (pl) yourselves cook. (English)
Intte Inttehuuphe katteeta. (Wolaita)
He himself cooks. (English)
I Bahuuphe katteesi. (Wolaita)
They themselves cook. (English)
Eti Banttahuuphe kattoosona. (Wolaita)