I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Wolaita – Speak with the Hearts”

271) Talking with Stranger

How old are you? (English)
Ne baree aappunee? (Wolaita)
How much do you weigh? (English)
Ne woqqaa deexxay?/ ne deexoy woyseee? (Wolaita)
What's your telephone number? (English)
Ne silkkiya paydooy aappunee? (Wolaita)
Where is your address? (English)
Ne qatoy awee? (Wolaita)
Do you live in urban or rural area? (English)
Ne de'iyo ambbaaneeyye ganddee? (Wolaita)
Are you rich? (English)
Ne duree? (Wolaita)
Are you married? (English)
Ekkadii?/Geladii (Wolaita)
Do you live alone? (English)
Nerkka day/ (Wolaita)
Is Almaz your girl friend? (English)
Alimaaza ne laggii? (Wolaita)
You have a boyfriend, do not you? (English)
Siiqiya/ Siiqoy dii? (Wolaita)
Why do not you get married? (English)
Ayssi ekkabeykkii/ Gelabeykkii? (Wolaita)
Why do not you have children? (English)
Naata ayssi yelabeykkii? (Wolaita)
Is your watch expensive? (English)
saatee neegee ali'oo? (Wolaita)
I like your dress. How much did it cost? (English)
Ne maayuwa dosaas gatee woysee? (Wolaita)
You have a great car! How much did you pay for it? (English)
lo'iya keemee nessi dees. woysan shammadii? (Wolaita)
I like your bracelet. Is it real gold? (English)
Ne kushiya sagaayuwa dosaas. telxxa worqqay? (Wolaita)
Your ring is so beautiful. Is it a real diamond? (English)
Saqqee lo'ees. geeshsha alleeqoo/ (Wolaita)
This is a nice jacket. Is it real leather? (English)
Hagee lo,iya qolee . geeshsha galbbaape oosettidee? (Wolaita)
Do you believe in God? (English)
Neen Xoossaa ammanay? (Wolaita)
How often do you go to the church/mosque? (English)
Woosa keettaa/ masggidiya awude awude bay? (Wolaita)
Responses to personal questions (English)
Buzu oyshaa zaariyogaa (Wolaita)
That's a long story. (English)
Heegee adussa taarikee diyoba. (Wolaita)
I'd rather not say. (English)
Co'u giikko keha (Wolaita)
That's a little personal. / That's a little private. That's personal. / That's private. (English)
Hegee buzo allaalle> (Wolaita)
No personal questions, please. (English)
Hayyanaa tana taabaa xeelliyaba oychchoppa. (Wolaita)
No comment. (English)
Taan immiyo qofi baa. (Wolaita)
Why should I tell you? (English)
Ayssi odiyaana (Wolaita)
That's nobody's business. (English)
Oonanne xeellenna (Wolaita)
That's none of your business. (English)
Hegee nena xeelliya allaalle gidenna. (Wolaita)
How dare you ask me that! (English)
Waana xallada tana oychchadii? (Wolaita)
How dare you! (English)
Awaana tana xaladii? (Wolaita)
Asking permission to ask a personal question (English)
Buzo oyshaa oychchanaappe kase eenotaa oychchiyogaa (Wolaita)
Would you mind if I ask you a personal question? (English)
Buzo oyshaa oychchana danddayiyana? (Wolaita)
Can I ask you a personal question? (English)
Ne buzobaa nena oychchana danddayiyana? (Wolaita)