I know I want to learn

I know I want to learn

“Learn Afaan Oromoo – Speak with the Hearts”

231) S + V + IO - Past Tense - They did not teach you (m/f/pl)/her/him/them/me/us

They did not teach you (m). (English)
Isaan si hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach you (f). (English)
Isaan si hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach you (pl). (English)
Isaan isin hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach her. (English)
Isaan isii hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach him. (English)
Isaan isa hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach them. (English)
Isaan jara hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach me. (English)
Isaan na hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)
They did not teach us. (English)
Isaan nu hinbarsiisne. (Afaan Oromoo)